
I met Andrea a few years ago at a workshop in upstate New York. Immediately a “knowing” came over me that we were divinely ordained to meet and become dear friends. Andrea has an open mind and an open heart. She is very wise, caring and compassionate. When I learned that Andrea was a Master Teacher of Reiki and was credentialed to teach , I reached out as I always had a “curiosity” around Reiki. Andrea drove from upstate New York to Long Island New York to teach and certified me in my home as a Reiki Level 1 and 2 Practitioner. Her knowledge of Reiki naturally flows right through because she lives the teachings. Andrea’s style of teaching created a safe place for me to relax, meditate, dig deep and receive the attunements. Today, many years later, we are, in fact, very dear friends. Andrea is one of my “trusted advisors,” and I go to her when I need someone to just listen to me or when I need her guidance and wisdom. Andrea is always open, available to me, and very giving of her time. I AM honored to walk this path with such a heart-based soul. And I AM privileged to call her my friend, my mentor, my soul sister, and my teacher.
— Colleen Doumeng
The light of God flows through Andrea when I’m blessed with an Angelic Reiki Session from her. She is divinely guided to help with my healing, which is always powerful and magical. Through her love and big heart, I feel grounded, supported and connected to the Source. I’m so grateful to have such a powerful healer in my life, supporting me navigate through the mysteries of life. Thank you, Andrea, for sharing your love, your heart and your divine gifts of healing.
— Katrin S.
Andrea’s authentic and generous spirit makes her an inspiring teacher. She presents a world of information in a concise and accessible way. Andrea’s passion and knowledge of research in this field give her incredible power, which is translated through her teachings. She gives you a gift to connect to your inner self and tools to quieten/ master your mind in a world that doesn’t stop.
— Karen B.